
Sponsors and Donors

Koninklijke Harmonie Sainte Cécile may call themselves very lucky to have acquired a great number of loyal supporters (donors and sponsors) over the years. They not only come from Eijsden itself but also from (far) outside.
New donors are of course always welcome because the maintenance of an amateur society such as Sainte Cécile is a costly investment. Your donation to our organisation would be highly appreciated. You may remit your free gift to account number NL95SNSB. of Sainte Cécile Eijsden mentioning “Donatie 2015”
We thank you in advance for your contribution.

Besides donors there are several companies that annually, either over a number of years or incidental, make funds available to Sainte Cécile whether or not related to a specific activity.
Connecting your business(name) to Koninklijke Harmonie Sainte Cécile Eijsden could be of surplus value for both parties we think.
Sponsorship is often customized and the services you would expect from Sainte Cécile in return are highly variable and negotiable. They may range from adding musical lustre to your (business) event or connecting your (business) name exclusively to a specific concert (cycle).

Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Please contact if you or your company is interested in sponsoring Sainte Cécile our Sponsor committee or our Treasurer Mr.G.Rutten.