Carnival association “De Druugsjliepers” was established in 1952 at the initiative of Koninklijke Harmonie Sainte Cécile Eijsden and aims to organize Carnival activities in Eijsden. ’De Druugsjliepers’ organized the first Carnival parade in Eijsden in 1953. Since its foundation this association has remained strongly linked to Sainte Cécile and its club building ‘the Cultural Centre Eijsden’ which, during the Carnival period, is always transformed into the “Narrentempel (Fools Temple) of the Druugsjliepers”. For the first time in its existence the ‘Druugsjliepers’ organized a joint Carnival parade in 2009 together with Carnival association ‘De Klèèflep’ of Koninklijke Oude Harmonie Eijsden. Since 2005 the Druugsjliepers, in co-operation with music ensemble Da Capo, also organize the highly successful and acclaimed “Hieringbietekonzèr” on Ash Wednesday.