Since its foundation Sainte Cécile has always been closely associated with Castle Eijsden. The musical society was founded by René Count de Geloes and has continuously been under the presidency of one of the members of this Belgian noble family. It was partly for this reason that till 1968 the Wind Orchestra was always led by Belgian conductors. Koninklijke Harmonie Sainte Cécile still has an attachment to the Castle because the current president of the society is Raphael Count de Liedekerke de Pailhe.
During the rich history of the association numerous small and large events were organised in and around the castle and its gardens. There were for instance many anniversary celebrations, open air concerts and minifootball tournaments. In 2008 there was a joint concert with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra (LSO) on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the LSO.
Castle Eijsden is also the scene of the Tattoo Eijsden organised by Sainte Cécile every two years. At the annual “Bronk” festivities, more specifically on “Bronk Monday”, the Koninklijke Harmonie together with some representatives of the unmarried young men of Caestert (Eijsden) render honour to the noble family at the castle.
Eijsden Castle was built in 1636 by order of Arnold de Lamargelle, lord of Eijsden. The castle is in the top 100 on the list of Dutch monuments. It goes without saying that Sainte Cécile is proud indeed of the fact that they can and may consider the castle as being the cradle of the society.