The Koninklijke Harmonie Sainte Cécile from Eijsden (“de Roej - the RED's”) is an all amateur musical society founded in 1880 by René Count de Geloes of Castle Eijsden. The society is closely linked to the social-cultural and religious life in Eijsden. The activities include musical accompaniment at ceremonies, celebrations and concerts in Eijsden as well as performing at concerts, tattoos and street parades throughout the country and abroad.
Sainte Cécile consists of two core components: the Wind Orchestra and the Drum-and Bugle Corps (DBC). Both performing in the highest division of “De Nederlandse Bond voor de Blaasmuziek” (the Dutch Federation of Wind music) and "De Federatie van Katholieke Muziekgezelschappen" (the Federation of Catholic musical ensembles).
The two corpses perform both individually and jointly, and have won the Dutch championship several times. In 2009 and 2013 the Wind Orchestra, conducted by Jan Cober, won first prize and became Worldchampion in the Concert Division at the World Music Contest (WMC) in Kerkrade.
Originally the Corps is of Belgian-French nature, which is not only reflected in the uniforms, but also in musical style and marching repertoire.
Furthermore Sainte Cécile has two youth orchestras, namely Les Jeunes and Les Petits Jeunes.
Moreover, there are many affiliated branches that fly the Sainte Cécile flag.
This website was translated into English by Gerard Satijn